PyHBSIM – Nonlinear Circuit Simulator

PyHBSIM is an open source circuit simulator written in Python, whose main feature is to enable the simulation of non-linear circuits, with support for autonomous circuits. To this end, the Harmonic Balance algorithm  was implemented, in addition to the classic methods typical of SPICE simulators (DC, AC and Transient).

The core of the PyHBSIM simulator is described in Victor Preuss’s master’s thesis: A software package for steady-state simulation of autonomous circuits using the harmonic balance method.

The PyHBSIM code is under constant development and can be found on the Github platform at the following address: The version referring to Victor’s dissertation can be found at

Jupyter Notebooks containing usage examples can also be found in the repositories. The main motivation for this project is associated with pedagogical interests focused on teaching RF Circuits.

There is a lot to be developed before PyHBSIM can be considered a complete tool, generating opportunities for academic work on several fronts (TCC, master’s degrees, etc.). Contact us if you are interested in the topic.

All collaboration is welcome.